6 Things to Examine to Get Unstuck

I sat down for an interview recently and was asked about my vision for Momentors. I have goals for sure, and one that stands out is to help more amazing people reach their potential. We do this in a few different ways, one of which is individual coaching.

Whether I am working with a leader, entrepreneur, salesperson or account executive, or a professional working their way up the ladder, a few areas we work through stand out that may be helpful for you. These are areas where I’ve found people can get stuck, and so working through these can have tremendous benefits personally and professionally:

  1. Taking action is key, and so is the foundation.

Thinking through and getting clear on your foundation takes introspection and thought. George Bernard Shaw said, “Two percent of the people think; three percent of the people think they think; and ninety-five percent of the people would rather die than think.” Well, I suppose we can deduce that thinking is a competitive advantage. Without a strong foundation of Mission, Vision, and Principles (MVP), you could end up taking wrong actions or burning out along the way.  Give some thought to this and write it down. You will be ahead of the game.

  1. A powerful mindset and self-worth will help remove internal blockages to your success.

This is a major challenge for so many people, present company included. This has been a journey for me over two decades to get intentional about redoing some of the programming that I was unaware of from childhood. The first step is awareness, where are we letting negative self-talk prevail, and how do we overcome it? In his book Smart Talk, Lou Tice wrote “All meaningful and lasting change starts from the inside.” There are many ways to accomplish this, two areas of primary focus are cultivating a mindset of gratitude and developing a self-worth that results in a strong level of confidence. 

  1. Planning matters, but it is more than what you’ve been taught.

Having a list of goals or a business plan is important. There is usually a gap between the plan and the action steps taken. This needs to be fixed. If your business plan is created and then shelved until next year, please allow me to offer some guidance. In our blog “Make Your 2024 Plan Work. For Real.” we address this gap and how to bridge it. Translate your goals (personal and professional) and business plan into action steps, and get after it like never before.

  1. Good habits and proper action crowd out the bad habits and purposeless living.

There are great books written on habits, two that come to mind immediately are The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson and Atomic Habits by James Clear. I am a big fan of both and call into mind the Slight Edge curve frequently whenever I hear my internal voice start negotiating against me doing something I know I should. Here is another key to proper habits and action, the more we get into alignment with our Mission and Vision, the more likely we are to make decisions that serve us and remove things from our lives that do not. In working with clients, we try and focus on increasing Life S.P.A.N. – taking Simple Positive Action Now.

  1. Plan ahead for challenges. 

You won’t know what they will be but know they are coming. What is your plan for resilience? Taking consistent action with the goal of lifelong learning and growth is HARD. There will be days you don’t want to do it. There will be excuses, internal dialogue that drives you crazy, fear, and external threats.  How’s your mindset? Are you ready to conquer these and how will you recognize challenges to plow through and when to change course? Psychologist and author Angela Duckworth said, “Enthusiasm is common.  Endurance is rare.” WOW. Amen and ouch!

  1. Celebrate along the journey, not just the milestones.

If you are able to find joy in the journey, and a level of peace along the way…. Well, you will live an amazing life. Take a moment to celebrate the achievements, for sure. But the little things along the way, including the challenges overcome, are cause for celebration and joy as well.  You will also find a “happiness advantage” enabling you to stack more wins, as positive psychology expert Shawn Achor says, “When we are happy—when our mindset and mood are positive—we are smarter, more motivated, and thus more successful. Happiness is the center, and success revolves around it.” 

I’ve developed a formula for these coaching sessions that is a little different.  It is part Socratic method – asking great questions where my clients come up with the best answers, part Mentorship – where I offer guidance based on experience and research over the years, and part Accountability – where action steps are committed to and reported on. The result is always growth, and often, in a BIG way.

Each of my clients is different in amazing ways, and this is not always a linear process. The amount of focus on each is different for everyone. One thing I am certain of when we grow across all of these 6 disciplines, is that exciting things can and usually do happen!

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